Another trip to the dogs' shelter "The Call of the Wild". Sunny day and clear blue sky made this day special. And the dogs inspired with their positive and love.
This week I have walked in different places. One of them was in a very centre of Moscow at Gogolevskiy boulevard. I walked from one end of it to another enjoying warm weather.
Today I've had a little walk in the forest. Silence, forest scents and songs of birda have just made me relax. I'd like to walk more and make more photos but I've been attacked by moskitos. With a hotter weather they became more active and were going to leave me bloodless.
More and more often I notice that making shoots of the Nature gives me the biggest pleasure. Now it is more wonderful because the spring itself gives a good opportunity to photograph some states of plants, animals and other things which are special for them only in spring.
The spring is still going on. Though the weather changes from time to time (even now while writing a post I see lightnings in the sky through my window). Today I've walked in our local forest. After yesterday's strong rain everything is full of rich colours and there is a smell of dead leaves, ground, rain and wood...