This year Moscow is especially beautiful. All streets are decorated with lights and fairs are everywhere. So New Year is coming to us.

суббота, 28 декабря 2013 г.
воскресенье, 8 декабря 2013 г.
Winter Is Here
We have a real winter now. Beautiful and fairy-tale alike. And it is worth saying I am not upset every time winter comes and it gets colder and bright time of the day gets shorter. Winter still has its charm.

воскресенье, 20 октября 2013 г.
Golden Autumn
Autumn reached its middle. The Nature is changing everyday sharing wonderful moments and its beauty with us.

четверг, 10 октября 2013 г.
Last Saturday I visited exhibition Expokot-2013 (Expocat-2013). There I worked as photografer for the charitable fund "Giving Hope". During the exhibition they offered to adopt any of rescued cats which were brought there from their side. And they succeeded. 29 little tigers went to new home.
Besides there were professional breeders with their cute and beautiful pets.

Besides there were professional breeders with their cute and beautiful pets.
среда, 21 августа 2013 г.
Dogs' Weekend
It came out so that I spent the last weekend with dogs. I visited 2 different exhibitions where volunteers of shelters tried to find families for homeless animals. Some of dogs and cats were adopted.

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воскресенье, 11 августа 2013 г.
Latinofest - 2013
Yesterday for one more time I visited Latinofest. As you can remember I was at the same event last year. You can read about it here >>>
This time it was againd interesting, positive and colourful. All visitors could dance or eat some national latin-american food or buy any souvenir. By the end of the day, people started dancing at the concert of many groups from Latin America and their positive music they played was the best accompaniment for dances.

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This time it was againd interesting, positive and colourful. All visitors could dance or eat some national latin-american food or buy any souvenir. By the end of the day, people started dancing at the concert of many groups from Latin America and their positive music they played was the best accompaniment for dances.
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воскресенье, 4 августа 2013 г.
Red Bull Flugtag - 2013
So I edited all photos and now after a week of delay I can tell you about Red Bull Flugtag - 2013. I visited it on Sunday, the 28th of July. Flug tag is a competition between several teams which passed a very serious selection an were chosen among thousands of candidates. These teams created their own flying machines as fantastic as their own imagination let them. These machines shouldn't contain any technical items. They should put in motion by humane force only. As the result, multiple spectators who gathered on the banks of the Moskva river las Sunday saw a bath duckling, Thumbelina, a carrot with the team of crazy rabbits, flying spaghetti monster and many other creatures which flew and fell down into the water very funny and brought much pleasure to everybody.
Though this event takes place every year, I made my dream xome true and visited it only a week ago. I liked it and now I think that I'll visit it again in 2014. By that time I will study all my current mistakes. For example I will come earlier so that to pass all territory and photograph all aspects of shbow. And I hope that my photos will be better next year
And by the way besides Flugtag where participants fall into the water with their fantastic flying mashines, Red Bull also organises Soapbox Racing. I think I'll visit it too. :)

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Though this event takes place every year, I made my dream xome true and visited it only a week ago. I liked it and now I think that I'll visit it again in 2014. By that time I will study all my current mistakes. For example I will come earlier so that to pass all territory and photograph all aspects of shbow. And I hope that my photos will be better next year
And by the way besides Flugtag where participants fall into the water with their fantastic flying mashines, Red Bull also organises Soapbox Racing. I think I'll visit it too. :)
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четверг, 1 августа 2013 г.
Flowers of Summer
Summer is a wonderful period. And though the weather of last 2-3 weeks is gloomy, it still goes on. People spend much time outside their appartments, go for picnics to some places with good nature. And the nature shares its colours. I have many photos I want to show you.

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вторник, 25 июня 2013 г.
Sunday Bike Trip Krasnogorsk - Snegiry
The last Sunday I took a trip from my hometown Krasnogorsk to the neigbour town Snegiri which lies 19 kilometers (about 11 miles) far from our home. So in total I rode 38 km (22 miles) during 9 hours, took many photos and got many good impressions.In Snegiri I visited Memorial Complex to Defenders of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945)

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воскресенье, 2 июня 2013 г.
Alla and Dita
Summer is always nice. It becomes warm and sunny. Heavy rains have finally finished. This summer day I'vw taken my bike and ridden to the other side of my home town to Alla Ukhanova. She is a volunteer of the shelter "The Call of the Wild" as well. She has now two puppies of 8 months old. She picked them up on the street and now tries to find owners for them. Their names are Dita and Gita. Pups keep on growing and changing so they need fresh photos. That's why Alla asked me to help with it several days ago. Gita now is a bit ill so she couldn't be present during our walk. But Dita has taken part in our photosession together with Alla. It has turned out quite good.

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суббота, 25 мая 2013 г.
Street Art Festival in Krasnogorsk
This day my hometown has received a Street Art Festival. It will last till the 2nd of June and include events on graffiti-drawing and some sport tournaments. A special guest of the festival is Edgar Mueller. He is a German master of 3D-graffiti and some days before the Festival he draw his 3D-picture. It draw attention of all people who have visited the Festival today.
In general it's been nice, beautiful and interesting.

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In general it's been nice, beautiful and interesting.
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воскресенье, 19 мая 2013 г.
Oh, That Spring...
For the last time I've made many photos. They were taken on these sunny, warm days which can be considered untypically hot for spring. I just share them with pleasure.

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пятница, 10 мая 2013 г.
The 9th of May: Victory Day
Yesterday the whole country celebrated Victory day. The 9th of May is
the day when the Russians recollect the victory in the Great Patriotic
War (22 June 1941 - 9 May 1945) over fascists. This time I met the 9th
of May in my hometown Krasnogorsk. I visited the main places of
The 68th Anniversary celebration programm started with an official ceremony at the Eternal flame. Representatives of Municipal Administration and other local structures congratulated veterans and inhabitants of the town. Aleksander Zaldostanov, the President of bike club "Night Wolves" said a few warm words for veterans. In the end of the ceremony all participants and guests laid wreaths and flowers by the Eternal flame and remembered countrymen who died 68 years ago.
After that all festivities passed to our local concert hall. A big square near the hall was full od people. Some of them went to amusement park with children, some people sat in the open-air cafe, some people visited a concert. But not so long after the concert begun people preferred to start dancing. Veterans were the most active dancers. They were wonderful, beautiful and very cheerful.
The Victory day finished with fireworks which caused applauses of everybody who saw it.

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The 68th Anniversary celebration programm started with an official ceremony at the Eternal flame. Representatives of Municipal Administration and other local structures congratulated veterans and inhabitants of the town. Aleksander Zaldostanov, the President of bike club "Night Wolves" said a few warm words for veterans. In the end of the ceremony all participants and guests laid wreaths and flowers by the Eternal flame and remembered countrymen who died 68 years ago.
After that all festivities passed to our local concert hall. A big square near the hall was full od people. Some of them went to amusement park with children, some people sat in the open-air cafe, some people visited a concert. But not so long after the concert begun people preferred to start dancing. Veterans were the most active dancers. They were wonderful, beautiful and very cheerful.
The Victory day finished with fireworks which caused applauses of everybody who saw it.
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суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.
Moscow Zoo
We have a wonderful weather. So it's time for walks. Yesterday I visited Moscow Zoo There were lots of visitors. People came with their families to watch how animals live. I made some photos.
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четверг, 2 мая 2013 г.
Spring Is On Its Way to Us
Spring has come to us at last. Everything is positive, bright and everything is blooming and the Sun is shining. Life is wonderful!

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суббота, 13 апреля 2013 г.
In The Kingdom of Dogs - II
Today I have visited Olga Kukunova and her dogs. You can read about my previous visit here.
Puppies grew up a bit and look more wonderful. Some of them found their home since my visit in February. I can only fell happy about it.
Today I have photographed the res of pups - Tim, Tom and Faddey. Unfortunately, Businka has not been able to participate due to state of health. But she is quite okay, I can assure you! Soon she will be ready to any photo-session. Here I'd like to share today's photos. I have taken less pictures that the last time because someonesdrank our coffee and ate our bisquits. Guess who were these barking trinity :)

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Today I have photographed the res of pups - Tim, Tom and Faddey. Unfortunately, Businka has not been able to participate due to state of health. But she is quite okay, I can assure you! Soon she will be ready to any photo-session. Here I'd like to share today's photos. I have taken less pictures that the last time because someonesdrank our coffee and ate our bisquits. Guess who were these barking trinity :)
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воскресенье, 24 марта 2013 г.
Yesterday I visited dogs' exhibition Euroasia-2013. It had a programm typical for such events: showing of dogs, competitions on agility etc. Here are some pics.
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суббота, 2 марта 2013 г.
My father is all-mighty
A week ago I went to very positive event for families. It was called "My Father can do everything" and was specially made for fathers though the whole family could help a father to pass each competition.This contest included a hockey match for fathers and kids, darts, juggling, twisting a hulahoop. Everything finished with tug-of-war, counting the points and giving prizes to the winners
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воскресенье, 17 февраля 2013 г.
In The Kingdom of Dogs
Yesterday I had the most positive shooting. The founders of the charitable Fund "Giving Hope" asked me to make photos of grown-up puppies.These pups now live in the private house of their official web-site editor Olga Kukunova.
Their story is banal. They were born and nobody needed them from the first day. So the former owner just took them to the forest and left there. Luckily they were found and now they are healthy and joyful and live in loving place.
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Olga Kukunova,the mistress of the house where pups live in now. |
воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.
Winter, winter...
As this winter is not going to leave us, we have many interesting events which can happen only this cold season. For example last weekend inhabitants of my town again met speedvay tournament. I have already written about it in this post >>>
This time I didn't go to the stadium. I preferred to go to the waterpool for swimming. But as the stadium is close to the pool and I was with my camera I came up and watched how riders pulled out from the hangar to the start point. I made several pics
Speedway is very popular in my town from the very first time it took place here in 1995. People fill the stadium every year in February. People watch speedway even from the fence.

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This time I didn't go to the stadium. I preferred to go to the waterpool for swimming. But as the stadium is close to the pool and I was with my camera I came up and watched how riders pulled out from the hangar to the start point. I made several pics
Speedway is very popular in my town from the very first time it took place here in 1995. People fill the stadium every year in February. People watch speedway even from the fence.
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воскресенье, 27 января 2013 г.
Sparrows and their friend
Today I've come to the market to buy some foods. I took my camera. Everything because there was a place on my way where sparrows and doves usually eat from the bird table and I wanted to capture this moment. This time I was especially lucky as among sparros there was one white crow. One of two white crows which live in my town.
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вторник, 22 января 2013 г.
Winter's tale
I made some new shots starting from the beginning of January. They all were kept on my PC. So at last I decided to share them in this milestone hundredth post.
This year we have wonderful winter: it's frosty, fresh, sunny and there's too much snow everywhere. Everybody's glad. Poeple can go skiing, ice-skating and ride in sleighs from hills.
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This year we have wonderful winter: it's frosty, fresh, sunny and there's too much snow everywhere. Everybody's glad. Poeple can go skiing, ice-skating and ride in sleighs from hills.
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среда, 2 января 2013 г.
One Winter Day at The Call of The Wild Shelter
Today after a very long pause I have finally visited the shelter for dogs. I couldn't get there due to many different reasons: I got a flu, I was busy or I couldn't find a person with a car.
Though today I've been there! I've taken all presents for dogs which I used to collect at home since September. It all occupied two big bags. There were toys, food, blankets and little tasty treats...
In all that concerned the trip itself, we've been lucky to have a wonderful weather for a whole day. It's been suuny, snowy but not so cold as usual. So we've spent a good time in the shelter. We took some dogs for a walk. I was happy to walk with my lovely dog named Wolf
Below I am going to share some photos with you. They all were made with a help of my iPhone because I had a little difficulty with my camer (my fault).
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Though today I've been there! I've taken all presents for dogs which I used to collect at home since September. It all occupied two big bags. There were toys, food, blankets and little tasty treats...
In all that concerned the trip itself, we've been lucky to have a wonderful weather for a whole day. It's been suuny, snowy but not so cold as usual. So we've spent a good time in the shelter. We took some dogs for a walk. I was happy to walk with my lovely dog named Wolf
Below I am going to share some photos with you. They all were made with a help of my iPhone because I had a little difficulty with my camer (my fault).
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