I feel I should create one more blog to describe my trips to the shelter. The last Sunday I was there once again. We did many things: photographed dogs, played with them, measured them and brushed their coats. Their coat didn't totally change after winter so there was a lot of it after brushing.

Русская версия >>>

Tanya is brushing the dog

A big good dog. He is big like a bear but very gentle...

As you see he hasn't got one paw. It doesn't worry him because he was running around not worse than any healthy dog with all paws. He runned around and barked at strange iron birds flying in the sky with unknown sounds...
This dog also likes to lie in a puddle. He made it though there was a little pool filled with clean water just near. :) Maybe this dog was a little pink piggy in his previous life.. What do you think? So we had to step back every time he got out of the puddle :-D

Just one smile pleeeeease!

Vika and Tanya opened a beauty salon for dogs in the shelter

The dog is in the seventh heaven...

This time onther guests came to the shelter to visit dogs. Nice girl Elena walked with dogs.

We kept on hugging our mentees andundertaking SPA procedures brushing enormous rests of winter coat. Some dogs could wait for their turn to come and our "barber"-girls made double work :)

But there is soooooooo much satisfaction...

In response we got many, many, many smiles :)

...and hugs...

...and again begging for brushings
And hugging again... :)

Actually if you want to imagine what volume of old hair was brushed out from every dog, I'll show you the following photo. I photographed a woman who was brushing a dog which was of midle size. But look at this white hair around. It ALL was brushed from this dog.

Beautiful golden dog. She is still afraid of people a little.

This is her neighbour with a very funny tongue

Some more dogs

This wonderful dog with funny ears and big eyes is called Kuzya

Unfortunately, he is blind...

One more lady with dogs.

Cutie ))))))

Not far from us other dogs were taking baths

More dogs walking around

What are you doing here, eeeeeeeeeeeh??? I'm talking to you, photographer...

My favourite trinity - Kai, Teona and Jeya

Some more hugs and brushing

And smiles again :)

A little dog called Lisa. Her back paws are paralyzed. But she's got very strong spirit. She just needs more attention. She likes hugs, caress and good words

A-ha-a-a... (One from four little black sisters which came to the shelter in April)




Bagira after a visit to veterinary clinic..

Katalina, a daugher of a woman who works at the shelter. A young brave tamer of dogs and goats :)

That's all for this time. This is how we spent Sunday at the shelter among wonderful devoted animals. Welcome to us, too. And now I am leaving you to watch a little video from the shelter.
Русская версия >>>
Tanya is brushing the dog
A big good dog. He is big like a bear but very gentle...
As you see he hasn't got one paw. It doesn't worry him because he was running around not worse than any healthy dog with all paws. He runned around and barked at strange iron birds flying in the sky with unknown sounds...
This dog also likes to lie in a puddle. He made it though there was a little pool filled with clean water just near. :) Maybe this dog was a little pink piggy in his previous life.. What do you think? So we had to step back every time he got out of the puddle :-D
Just one smile pleeeeease!
Vika and Tanya opened a beauty salon for dogs in the shelter
The dog is in the seventh heaven...
This time onther guests came to the shelter to visit dogs. Nice girl Elena walked with dogs.
We kept on hugging our mentees and
But there is soooooooo much satisfaction...
In response we got many, many, many smiles :)
...and hugs...
...and again begging for brushings
And hugging again... :)
Actually if you want to imagine what volume of old hair was brushed out from every dog, I'll show you the following photo. I photographed a woman who was brushing a dog which was of midle size. But look at this white hair around. It ALL was brushed from this dog.
Beautiful golden dog. She is still afraid of people a little.
This is her neighbour with a very funny tongue
Some more dogs
This wonderful dog with funny ears and big eyes is called Kuzya
Unfortunately, he is blind...
One more lady with dogs.
Cutie ))))))
Not far from us other dogs were taking baths
More dogs walking around
What are you doing here, eeeeeeeeeeeh??? I'm talking to you, photographer...
My favourite trinity - Kai, Teona and Jeya
Some more hugs and brushing
And smiles again :)
A little dog called Lisa. Her back paws are paralyzed. But she's got very strong spirit. She just needs more attention. She likes hugs, caress and good words
A-ha-a-a... (One from four little black sisters which came to the shelter in April)
Bagira after a visit to veterinary clinic..
Katalina, a daugher of a woman who works at the shelter. A young brave tamer of dogs and goats :)
That's all for this time. This is how we spent Sunday at the shelter among wonderful devoted animals. Welcome to us, too. And now I am leaving you to watch a little video from the shelter.
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