пятница, 21 сентября 2012 г.

Motocross in my home town

So. I promised to dedicate a post to motocycles and ATV tournament which took place in my town last Sunday. I went to watch it as I didn't have any plans for that day. I spent a wonderful time though the weather was not well. This tournament was a mix of motos, ATVs, people, puddles and mud, mud, mud...

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While sportsmen competited, photographers had to go to bushes and mud to make excellent photos

These guys got stuck for  40 minutes

The one who is in mud all over his body was in big disgrace I think. I thought he would leave his bike after one more stuck but he decided not to leave his ironed friend. :)

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Everybody were set free from mud and ATV-part begun.


And by the way photos below were taken by one of these boys. He just asked me to let him use my camera and I could'nt refuse. So watch the exclusive photos by the future gifted photographer! :)

In the end sportsmen got their medals and prizes. You can watch all this and other pics  h.e.r.e. >>>

Some video for you

2 комментария:

  1. Loved the photos. It was on a dirt bike that my husband had his accident that left him paralyzed so I am not a huge fan, but he still loves to watch motocross and I am going to share these photos with him.
